9.34am: leftover birthday cake at quyen & dat's place with quyen
10.14am: pho tai and deep fried savoury donut (from cabramatta) at quyen & dat's place with quyen, owen and dat's mum

12.44pm: white flesh nectarine at quyen & dat's place with quyen and owen
1.05pm: banana cake (made by dat's mum) at quyen & dat's place with quyen

2.49pm: scones with jam and cream at quyen & dat's place

2.51pm: savoury donut at quyen & dat's place with quyen
2.56pm: almond rocha at quyen & dat's place with quyen

6.21pm: chinese tea at new shanghai in ashfield with quyen

6.28pm: coke at new shanghai
6.31pm: shallot pancake at new shanghai

6.34pm: handmade noodles with pork and vegetables at new shanghai
6.37pm: steamed pork dumplings at new shanghai

6.39pm: pan fried pork and chive dumplings at new shanghai
6.42pm: shangtong chicken at new shanghai

7.42pm: lemonade and apple on qf552 sydney to brisbane

9.13pm: hanh super dry at home with jonathan