12.01pm: apple and carrot juice at café vincino at noosa harbour marine village with jonathan, shelley and luke
12.16pm: cheese hamburger with fries and some hp sauce at café vincino at noosa harbour marine village

2.30pm: soy chocolate milkshake (bought at the mobil) in the car on the way to brisbane with jonathan

6.44pm: steamboat (with chicken stock and tom yum stock, three types of green vegetables, roasted pork, soy chicken, octopus, beef, fish balls, kim chi, vermicelli noodles, mum’s home made pork balls, mum’s home made steamed glutinous rice dumplings, tofu and white rice) at theresa and colin’s place for father’s day dinner with jonathan, dad, grandma s, grandma c, simon, kim, mum, colin and theresa

6.49pm: white wine at theresa and colin’s place

8.01pm: soup from the steamboat pot at theresa and colin’s place

8.34pm: mum’s sponge cake at theresa and colin’s place
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