11.34am: lemon iced tea at tognini deli café in milton with nic
11.35am: cab (chicken, avocado and brie) on turkish bread at tognini deli café

5.16pm: sponge cake made by mum at mum and dad’s place with mum and jonathan

6.19pm: chinese tea at shangri-la restaurant in sunnybank with jonathan, mum, dad, grandma c, grandma s, theresa, colin, simon and kim
6.31pm: moreton bay bug salad at shangri-la

6.40pm: steamed oyster at shangri-la
6.43pm: tofu soup at shangri-la

6.53pm: noodles (cooked with lobster, which i didn’t eat) at shangri-la
6.57pm: taiwanese style three cup chicken at shangri-la

7.23pm: green beans and scallops at shangri-la
7.28pm: white rice at shangri-la

7.36pm: noodles with mushrooms and bean sprouts at at shangri-la
8.09pm: fish steamed with soy, ginger and shallots at shangri-la

8.13pm: fresh orange wedges at shangri-la
8.20pm: ice ka-chang at shangri-la

9.18pm: moon cake (made by mum) at home