9.17am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli with soy milk at home

12.33pm: cheese toast, roast capsicum soup, potato skins with sour cream, guacamole, cheese and shallots at sizzler toowong with theresa
12.52pm: mixed salad at sizzler toowong

1.25pm: pavlova at sizzler toowong
1.45pm: pineapple and watermelon at sizzler toowong

4.04pm: cinnamon coated amonds and smoked almonds (from mick's nuts in west end) at goma to see factory girl with theresa

6.33pm: home-made afghan biscuits at home

6.47pm: taste of pasta sauce and pasta at home
6.52pm: mixed green salad with fetta and tomato dressing at home

7.58pm: maccheroni with tomato italian sausage sauce at home with jonathan
8.12pm: lime juice cordial at home with jonathan

8.22pm: melted chocolate at home
9.51pm: home-made afghan biscuit at home