9.23am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli with soy milk at home

12.13pm: salami focaccia and lemon ice tea from health express at dfo jindalee with priya

3pm: orange juice at home with priya

5.53pm: biltong sticks at home with jonathan

6.24pm: some of jonathan's beef pho at tan thanh in inala with jonathan

6.29pm: vermicelli salad with grilled pork and spring rolls at tan thanh
6.33pm: fresh lemon soda drink at tan thanh

8.32pm: home-made berry trifle at home
so how did the trifle turn out... looks good!
it was ok. i think it need more alcohol. and jelly. the berries don't really have enough flavour on their own.
do you know how to make fresh lemon drink from there or whats in it ?
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