10.14am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli at home

1.36pm: cantine bigi orvieto classico at cafe dell 'ugo at south bank with jonathan

1.42pm: home-made spinach pasta filled with roasted duck, fresh goat cheese, parmigiano sauteed with julienne of duck breast, carrot, celery, red onion and red wine sauce at cafe dell 'ugo at south bank
1.45pm: taste of jonathan's pasta at cafe dell 'ugo at south bank

2.11pm: chocolate croissant from poppy's basket bakery deli on little stanley street with jonathan

3.15pm: pokari sweat and beef jerky in the car near chinatown with jonathan

4.23pm: all of the almonds out of jonathan's japanese snack mix at home

6.15pm: steamboat and sukiyaki with beef, wombok, tofu, udon noodles, dipping sauces (soy sauce, fermented tofu, taiwanese bbq sauce), two types of tofu puffs, mung bean sprouts, fish balls, shitake mushrooms, white rice and orange juice at home with jonathan, theresa and colin

7.20pm: coke at home with jonathan, theresa and colin

7.57pm: tim tam at home with jonathan, theresa and colin
8.37pm: corn chips at home with jonathan