10.50am: cheese omelet and bacon at home with jonathan

11.35am: ribena (from kenmore bp) in the car in the kenmore with jonathan

2.29pm: soy iced chocolate from gloria jean on coonan road in indooroopilly

5.41pm: granny smith apple (from james street market) at home with jonathan

7.16pm: vodka, lime and soda at valter’s place with jonathan, valter and luisa

7.21pm: antipasto (proscuitto, spicy sopressa, baby bell peppers filled with fetta, grilled eggplant, kalamata olives and baguette) at valter’s place with jonathan, valter, luisa, max and james

8pm: hand-made egg pasta with napolitana aribratta sauce and grated ramano cheese at valter’s place

8.05pm: dry white wine at valter’s place
8.40pm: chicken stuffed with feta and pesto, cannelloni beans, steamed green beans, rocket, oven roasted truss tomatoes and oven roasted herb potatoes at valter’s place

9.48pm: italian sweets (provided by max and james) at valter’s place
9.59pm: valter’s cassata (nougat, almond, chocolate and vanilla gelati) and spring berries at valter’s place
Hope you enjoyed the Italian feast. The chicken was an invention as I thought the it looks a mess so rescued it with cheese and toothpicks, the rest of it I got advice from my mum.
dinner was great! thanks! j and i will have you over soon. but pls don't expect it to be anywhere near as fancy as yours. we will probably just have a bbq using mismatched plates and stuff! and definitely no fabric napkins.
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