10.09am: miso soup and mandarin from the fruit box (the one i didn't eat yesterday) at work
11.24am: mints at work
12.11pm: leftover spaghetti carbonara and salad at the hub at work with valter, shane p and khanh
2.07pm: green m&ms at work 4.40pm: pink lady apple at work
5.28pm: anzac biscuit in the car on south-east freeway logan road exit
6.38pm: vietnamese style pork chop, button mushrooms stuffed with pork and waterchess nuts (and other stuff), large steamed dried shrimp, brocoli with home-made fish cake, vegetables (with chives, bean sprouts and other stuff) at mum & dad's house with mum, dad, grandma and grandpa
6.38pm: kidney and mushroom soup at mum & dad's house
6.38pm: basmati rice at mum & dad's house
7.32pm: chinese sweets from grandma (that aunty kathy bought back from china) at mum & dad's house
8.09pm: peanuts from grandma at mum & dad's house 9.07pm: orange juice and pineapple cake from grandma (that someone gave to dad who gave it to grandma) at home
I love the Allesi jar. Not many M&M's left though, was that jar full to start?
PS. new chocolates will be supplied in the office shortly.. you could fill the jar with those.
the jar wasn't full to start with. just one regular size packet.
the jar looks best with small lollies (and not those natural confectionary company lollies - they leave marks on the side). i don't think your larger ones will look as good in it.
Are you suggesting you picked out only the green ones to eat? None of the blue? That is more eccentric than J Lo in "The wedding planner" who only eats brown M&Ms.
i actually ate all the brown ones first. because matthew mcconaughey (in the wedding planner) said that they must be more natural because chocolate is brown.
it's actually a good way to stop yourself from eating too many in one go. if i didn't restrict myself to all the green ones, there would probably be none left now.
dinner at your parent's home looks so lovely - one dish said kidney's? what animal was the kidney from? I've never tried those before, mainly because it sounds gross.
looks like you were watching "Law and Order: SVU" last night - Christopher Meloni had his shirt off last night and I missed it!
the kidney soup is my favourite soup. it's great! only my mum and grandma make it - so the rarity makes it even yummier.
i think the kidney is from a pig. they're such versatile animals.
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