7.59am: wholemeal lavash bread at home

9.57am: mandarin from the milton fruit bowl at work

10.30am: berry flavoured wafer sticks from ardelle at work with valter
12.27am: ham, cheese and lettuce sandwiches; leftover garden salad with yoghurt dressing; orange juice from the fridge at work in the hub at work with valter

3.07pm: orange m&ms at work with rae
4.25pm: banana and mango nectar from the fridge at work in the hub at work with valter

6.52pm: sweet potato and red bean patties with salad, wholemeal lavash bread and pan-fried salmon; orange juice at home with jonathan

7.24pm: chocolate lindt balls at home with jonathan
7.44pm: smiths crinkle cut original chips at home with jonathan
cool photo with the red m&m's in the green lid... you should only eat the red ones and give me the others m&ms.
ps. you ate quite a bit of junk today... i think you went over your weight watchers points.
why is the lavoush bread outside enjoying the view? Where you drying it by the side of the road?
they're actually orange m&ms. the camera phone just doesn't capture the colour very well.
we had such a healthy dinner... surely that balances out the chips and stuff??
i was eating the lavoush bread on the way to the bus stop.
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