Tue 8 May

9.05am: egg sandwich and T2 french earl grey tea at work
12.39pm: teriyaki beef, rice and salad at wagamama in the wintergarden with kath

6.50pm: kimchi at home

7.25pm: sukiyaki (beef, tofu, tofu puffs, wombok, chinese green vegetables, mung bean spouts) and fried rice (with left over rice, egg white, vietnamese style pork chop, wombok, mungbean sprouts, lap cheung - chinese sausage) at home with jonathan
7.27pm: orange juice at home with jonathan

9.57pm: dark chocolate with roasted almonds at home with jonathan


valter said...

That sandwich looks real good... is there mayo in your egg mix?

eats said...

yep, it has japanese mayo, salt and pepper...

Anonymous said...

I like your new ongoing tally. You should add one for "alcohol units" a la bridget jones.

Anonymous said...

i originally had a tally for omni blue, but thought i should remove it after i realised i drank more sparkling wine than i ate fruit... scary.

Anonymous said...

This blog really highlights how much alcohol you drink...even without the tally...that was the thing I was most surprised at when looking at your blog...

valter said...

sukiyaki looks lovely. what type of cooker do you have for that? is it gas and where can I buy one from? You have inspired me to do something like that for my next dinner party.

Anonymous said...

i bought the gas bbq thing from kmart (approx $18), the cooking bowl from burlington in chinatown ($33) and the gas canisters from yuens market in chinatown ($6 for 4).

you don't need to buy the little nets because i can give you some that i have at home.

we can make another trip to chinatown next week to buy stuff if you want.

Anonymous said...

We went to wagamama and I really enjoyed it. I ordered the "Complete Wagamama" which was 3 gyoza, yaki soba and a juice (I had fresh apple, lime and mint). I thought it was much better than Zen bar!