12.44pm: pesto pancakes with ham and orange juice at home with jonathan

4.17pm: eclipse chewing gum at quyen’s uncle’s house in annerley with quyen, owen, brianna, quyen’s mum and other relatives

4.27pm: cadbury chocolate covered hazelnuts at quyen’s uncle’s house
4.40pm: pork, carrot and white fungus soup (made by quyen’s mum) at quyen’s uncle’s house

6.42pm: white wine (from josie and simon) at pistachios (from grandma c) at home with jonathan

8.35pm: pork crackle (made by jonathan) at home with jonathan

8.39pm: larded and studded pork roast (made by jonathan) and baby spinach at home with jonathan
8.43pm: more white wine at home with jonathan

8.47pm: orange juice at home with jonathan
10pm: blueberries at home with jonathan and peanut

8.05pm: cherries at home with jonathan
10.34pm: ribena at home with jonathan
This is a gorgeous blog! I found you randomly whilst googling local restaurants.
You should write reviews of your favourite places to eat (if you do, I haven't found it!), or at least rate each place so we get an idea of what you like.
Annnnd if you're ever around Oxley area, try the indian restaurant here- wonderful!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
hi mel, thanks for your comment. it's nice to receive some feedback.
i don't write reviews but i always go back to my favourite restaurants so you can see which ones are good! :-)
this is a local blog that does reviews: http://eatbrisvegas.blogspot.com/
... they don't update as regularly as i do though...
i will keep the indian place in mind. my favourite indian place is punjabi palace in west end (and one of my best friends works at sitar in new farm) so it's hard for me to venture away from these places! :-)
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