8.36am: eclipse chewing gum at work
9.44am: toast with peanut butter at work

12.17pm: tupper truffles in the hub at work with valter, the tupperware lady, priya, rae, kylie, usha, michael et al
12.35pm: orange juice in the hub at work

3.53pm: toasted cheese sandwich, mixed green salad with fetta and tomato dressing at work

8.10pm: orange juice at the morrison hotel in woolloongabba with jonathan
8.32pm: eye fillet, garlic bread, chips, caesar salad and mushroom sauce at the morrison hotel
Every time I feel like a steak from Morrison, I see it on your blog!! yumm...
we should go to the morison together then! jonathan is always up for a steak!
Amiable post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
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