7.43am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli with soy milk and blueberries at home with jonathan

10.53am: pink grapfruit drink (from stephen) at work
11.53am: apple at work

1pm: blt at miltons coffee and catering in milton with stehpen (too embarassed to photograph)

3.30pm-ish: asparagus with dip, banana cake, figs and cheese in the hub at work with matt, valter, kylie, kate, patrick et al
4.15pm: apple & guava juice and apple juice in the hub at work with valter

6.33pm: joong (from mum) with soy sauce at home
6.44pm: orange juice at home

10.30pm: mini cheesecake at home with jonathan
hey are you reading "the shadow of the wind" i have that too... it's quite a good read! won't spoil the ending for you.. kekekee
i've finished it now so we can talk about it. it wouldn't be the kind of book i'd usually pick, but my workmate leant it to me so i read it. i thought it was really enjoyable!
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