8.51am: cheese and vegemite scroll (from knead it bakery) at work
10.27am: banana and honeybush vanilla tea at work

12.45pm: sip of jonathan's chrysanthemum tea outside golden bbq "the butcher" in fortitude valley with jonathan

1.33pm: roast pork and rice from golden bbq at work
1.34pm: soup from golden bbq at work

2.23pm: leftover cold honeybush vanilla tea at work
4.28pm: apple juice at work

7.30pm: picnic in the car on caxton street
7.36pm: half of jonathan's crunchy in the car in spring hill with jonathan

8.46pm: steamboat (chicken stock and sukiyaki stock) with beef, fish balls, tofu puffs, fresh tofu, wombok, chinese green vegetables, mung bean sprouts, fresh shittake mushrooms, white rice and dipping sauces (soy sauce, sesame/peanut sauce, some kind of taiwanese bbq sauce); white wine at home with jonathan
9.06pm: soup (from the chicken stock side of the steamboat) at home with jonathan

9.46pm: beef jerky at home with jonathan
10.15pm: banana lollies at home with jonathan
Hey ali.. am having some problems with the blog... what page element do you use for your on going tally? i was using the text one but when it doesn register 'enter' and doesnt go to the next line.
my tally is the 'text list' option. i haven't used the text option before, so i don't think i can really help you. sorry! :-)
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