9.17am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli at work
10.11am: stockholm blend tea at work

3.02pm: tonkotsu instant noodles and coke in the hub at work with matty

5.58pm: movie snacks (beef jerky, picnic, i didn't eat the crunchie) at goma to see titsiana booberini and muriel's wedding with valter

8.38pm: becks beer at lefkas greek taverna in west end with jonathan and valter
8.47pm: grilled octopus at lefkas greek taverna

9.03pm: pork yiros on pita at lefkas greek taverna
9.12pm: some of jonathan's salad at lefkas greek taverna
i miss eating instant noodles... maybe i will have one today...
hey ali... why is it that last night when i posted the blog... it doesn't come up but when i look in the 'edit blog' page it is there? and i couldn't update th tally?
your blog is giving me lots of dinner ideas... was looking at your may 19 entry and your mum's cooking looks fantastic!!! i have booked marked that page... keke.. can you ask your mum for the mustard dipping sauce recipe please?
i had the same problem on friday morning, but it seemed to fix itself by the afternoon. i think it's just the blog site.
i think the dipping sauce is just mustard, finely chopped shallots & ginger, soy sauce. but i'll check with her and get back to you.
i like to eat instant noodles when i'm sick. which is silly, considering that they are not very nutritious. but sometimes it's all we have at home when i have a sick day.
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