8.18am: leftover proscuitto and zucchini mini quiches in the car on the way to work with jonathan

12.31pm: tortilla basket with beef, beans, tomato, lettuce and sour cream at peppes mexican restaurant at centro milton on baroona road with valter

2.28pm: coke at work

6.37pm: pasito at hot coral fish and chip shop at indooroopilly with nic and anna
6.44pm: calamari and chips at hot coral

7.11pm: maltesers at the eldorado cinema in indooroopilly to see rogue with nic and anna

8.44pm: vanilla ice cream with oreos at cold rock in indooroopilly with nic and anna
i think your camera phone is on day-light saving time. I can tell by the time on my watch in the photo.
the times are fine, it was just a typo with your ]unch. i've fixed it now. thanks for help me proof read.
ps. i find it funny that you only comment on the meals that you were present for.
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