10.37am: nectarine at fishculture acquarium (military road, cremorne) with dat

11.48am: giv & take anti-rum ball at giovanna and ben’s place with giovanna

1.01pm: fruit & vegie juice at bertoni in mosman with giovanna and harry
1.04pm: chickpea salad and bacon and beetroot salad at bertoni

1.07pm: taste of giovanna’s mushroom risotta at bertoni
1.09pm: wood-fired bread and butter at bertoni

2.58pm: giv & take rum ball at giovanna and ben’s place with giovanna
3.01pm: mel’s truffle at giovanna and ben’s place with giovanna

3.18pm: t2 honeybush vanilla tea at giovanna and ben’s place with giovanna

7.16pm: ramen with pork soup at ryo’s japanese restaurant in crow’s nest with quyen, dat and owen
7.18pm: deep-fried chicken wings at ryo’s

7.22pm: japanese green tea at ryo’s
7.24pm: gyoza at ryo’s

7.45pm: sip of quyen’s lemon ice tea outside ryo’s with quyen, dat and owen
7.48pm: mint from ryo’s eaten in the car with quyen, dat and owen

8.48pm: giv & take rum ball at quyen and dat’s place with quyen and dat
8.52pm: cherries at quyen and dat’s place with quyen and dat

9.03pm: scotch and coke at quyen and dat’s place with quyen and dat
7.22pm: japanese green tea at ryo’s
7.24pm: gyoza at ryo’s
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