8.37am: granny smith apple slices, just right cereal, bread roll with butter on qf513 brisbane to sydney

9.58am (sydney time): eclipse chewing gum at the sydney airport

11.10am: lychee ice tea at bondi westfield shopping centre with quyen and owen
11.19am: vegetarian pad thai with tofu and extra nuts from thai-riffic at bondi westfield shopping centre

2.32pm: eclipse chewing gum at bondi westfield shopping centre with quyen, owen and peanut

4.13pm: orange juice at quyen and dat’s place with quyen and owen

6.45pm: roast belly pork with crackling, potatoes and sweet potato; red wine and coke at quyen and dat’s place with quyen, dat, owen and thang
8.09pm: home-made milk & white choc chip cookie and white choc & macadamia cookie at quyen and dat’s place with quyen, dat, owen and thang
i must say i am impressed how quickly you have got your blog up to date.. must be a busy day at the office NOT!!
it's not my fault i am very efficient! i can do my job and blog! :-)
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