11.09am: home-made mini ham & corn quiche, sausage roll, pie, finger sandwich (with ham, egg & lettuce), carrot with dip at home with jonathan, quyen and owen
11.16am: lemon, lime and bitters at home with jonathan, quyen and owen

11.20am: home-made pork crackle (made by jonathan) at home with jonathan, quyen and owen

12.04pm: pineapple and watermelon at home with jonathan, quyen and owen
12.11pm: pistachio macaroon with coffee-choc filling at home with jonathan, quyen and owen

2.43pm: peach ice tea on the queen street mall

5.26pm: stella artois at the morrison hotel in woolloongabba with jonathan
5.59pm: rib fillet with mushroom sauce, caesar salad and chips at the morrison hotel with jonathan, simon and kim

7.43pm: twisties, frozen raspberry, starburst lollies and lemon, lime & bitters at the regal twin cinema in graceville to see two days in paris with jonathan

10.38pm: fresh carrot & apple juice at home with jonathan
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