10.33am: pho tai (rare sliced beef noodle soup) at quan thanh (i think that’s the name) in inala with jonathan
10.36am: lemon soda drink at quan thanh

12.51pm: lick of the cake mixing bowls at home
3.05pm: bbq flavoured vegie chips at home with jonathan

5.38pm: home-made dense chocolate cake at home

6.15pm: jatz with basil/cashew dip, pistachios, and singapore sling at theresa & colin’s place with jonathan, theresa and colin

7.10pm: garlic bread at theresa & colin’s place
7.32pm: bbq calamari cooked with tomato, parsley, garlic and parmesan at theresa & colin’s place with jonathan, theresa, colin, gary and isla

7.56pm: sparkling white wine at theresa & colin’s place
8.26pm: black angus steak with mushroom sauce, grilled corn and potato salad at theresa & colin’s place

9.10pm: dense chocolate cake at theresa & colin’s place
9.51pm: pineapple slices at theresa & colin’s place

11.24pm: water with fresh lemon and lime juice at home
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