Sat 2 Feb

8.46am: carman's original fruit free muesli with soy milk and blueberries at home with jonathan

1.40pm: coke at little singapore in sunnybank with jonathan
1.48pm: char kway tiew at little singapore

5.31pm: orange juice at home
5.59pm: biltong stokkies at home with jonathan

7.43pm: chocolate coated peanuts at home with jonathan
8.40pm: left-over spaghetti bologonese (made by jonathan) and orange juice at home with jonathan

9.16pm: eclipse chewing gum at birch carroll and coyle indooroopilly to see juno with jonathan


valter said...

yum. I want to go to Sunnybank with you sometime.

eats said...

do you promise you won't complain the whole time?? :-)