9.16am: carman's original fruit free muesli with soy milk at home

12.18pm: club sandwich and chips at cafe 21 at the treasury casino with dad

2.49pm: starburst fruit chews at the south bank cinema to see st trinians

6.44pm: eclipse chewing gum in the car outside jonathan's work
7.23pm: starburst fruit chews in the car at the airport

8.22pm: deep-fried tofu, pig's ear and seaweed at kingfood taiwanese restaurant in market square with jonathan, john, jack, maria, cristina and anthony
8.33pm: white wine at kingfood

8.36pm: iced lemon tea at kingfood
8.39pm: braised pork belly with rice, vegetables and egg at kingfood

9.52pm: strawberry crepe at a cafe in market square with jonathan, john, jack, maria, cristina and anthony
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