Sun 1 July

12.14pm: orange juice at home
12.53pm: tasty toobs at home with jonathan

2.21pm: lemon soda drink at trang vietnamese in west end with jonathan
2.29pm: pho tai (rare sliced beef noodle soup) at trang Vietnamese

4.50pm: pocari sweat from koz market on elizabeth street with jonathan

6.33pm: hot lemon honey drink at home with jonathan
7.08pm: joong (from mum) and chinese duck liver sausage at home with jonathan

7.21pm: orange juice at home with jonathan

8.22pm: dark chocolate with roasted almonds at home with jonathan
9.54pm: hot lemon honey drink at home with jonathan


l e e said...

toobs!!! yummy!!! tell me how bad are they!?!?

l e e said...

ooh i love beef noodle soup and that looks like a good one... i think you should comment on the quality of each item you have too... give it an 'out of 10' score maybe...

eats said...

the toobs were actually really tasty. i have no idea where jonathan got them from.

i don't want to add too much commentary. this blog is supposed to be mostly pointless! plus, i don't want to spend an hour on it each day like you do! :-)

Anonymous said...

wow.. you are eating an awful lot of goong, china girl!!

eats said...

those joong are actually really addictive. i have to stop myself from eating a second one. my mum makes them and they're really tasty!

l e e said...

haha... quyen said goong!!

Anonymous said...

Are you enjoying the book "Perfect Mess"?

eats said...

i don't think it's ever going to convince me that being messy is better than being tidy.

i've only read maybe the first two chapters. i'm reading the wal-mart effect now. it's fascinating.