6.20am (local time): caman’s muesli bar at home

1.01pm: santa vittoria limonata at kangaroo point cliffs with jonathan

1.26pm: picnic lunch (wakame salad, pacific oysters, sydney rock oysters, roast pork, two types of salmon and avocado rolls, baguette, maggie beer’s pheasant farm pate, smoked salmon, the edge pinot gris, strawberries; there were also king prawns and kim chi which i didn't eat) and kangaroo point cliffs with jonathan, mum and dad

9.19pm: iced milk tea at makan house in west end with jonathan
9.24pm: hainam chicken rice and roti at makan house
Man! I think you should call August the month of the oyster. What's your oyster tally?
that's nothing! when i went to the whitsundays i ate something like 60 oysters in about 5 days.
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