8.43pm: china rose tea, apple and banana at work
9.30am: apple tea cake (from kylie) and fruit salad (from valter; kiwi fruit supplied by me) at work with valter, rae, kylie, nora and matt b

12.43pm: bacon, olives and tomato frittata and garden salad at tognini's with valter and rae

3.24pm: coke in the hub at work with rae

8.01pm: chenin blanc at pane e vino with jonathan
8.10pm: raviolli alla funghi (sauteed mushroom, onion, shallots and garlic in a pesto cream sauce) at pane e vino

8.48pm: gobstoppers and clinkers at regent cinema to see sicko with jonathan

11.28pm: custard tart at home with jonathan
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