9.14pm: fruit toast with butter at work

12.25pm: leftover spinach, leek and potato quiche and green beans at work

1.55pm: mega mallows (from secret santa) at work
4pm: white rabbit lollies at work

5.01pm: yellow-flesh nectarine at work
5.01pm: green grapes at work

5.34pm: olive and sundried tomato ring bread in the car outside yoga in paddington

8.21pm: salmon with salad (baby spinach, red onion, tomato, flaked almonds, sesame seeds & soy/sesame oil dressing) and cheese & herb bread (from the lady at knead-it bakery) at home with jonathan
8.23pm: white wine at home with jonathan

8.48pm: chocolates (from secret santa) at home with jonathan
do you add anything to the green beans? do you find them bland? i can't eat green beans unless they are cooked or drenched in some sort of dip!
i cooked them last week then just added some sea salt. they're pretty tasty with salt.
i've stopped eating them raw. they're too grassy and i feel a little allergic.
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