8.53am: orange & mango juice; leftover olive and sun-dried tomato roll; yellow-flesh nectarine at work

12.31pm: leftover spinach, leek and potato quiche outside the office in milton with rae
1pm-ish: baby spinach with leftover salmon (photographed with quiche) and soy/sesame oil dressing outside the office in milton with rae

6.54pm: cheese and herb bread at home

7.50pm: viognier at two small rooms with jonathan, josie, theresa, colin and karen

8.12pm: mushroom and sherry soup at two small rooms
8.13pm: bread with sweet corn spread at two small rooms

8.27pm: terrine of quail and rabbit with salsa verde and cornichons at two small rooms
8.28pm: taste of theresa's seared queensland scallops with celeriac puree and truffle vinaigrette at two small rooms

9.02pm: roasted rump of marinated south australian lamb with provencal vegetables and persillade at two small rooms
9.02pm: red wine at two small rooms

9.10pm: taste of theresa's rare seared yellow fin tuna nicoise at two small rooms

10.03pm: fine apple tarte with vanilla bean ice cream at two small rooms
10.05pm: taste of jonathan's cheese plate (cropwell & bishop stilton uk) at two small rooms

10.27pm: simon's rocky road at two small rooms with jonathan, josie, theresa, colin, karen and simon
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