10.31am: grapefruit, orange and pineapple juice at the little larder in new farm with josie
10.37am: pesto scrambled eggs on ciabatta with smoke salmon and a side order of haloumi at the little larder

2.18pm: berry-misu, biscuit, chocolate truffle, and fruit punch at therea’s church for the ‘why christians celebrate christmas’ talk with theresa, priya, karen, amanda, judi et al
2.38pm: melba toast with cheese and kabana; curry puff and watermelon at theresa’s churh

5.43pm: green grapes (from dad) at home with jonathan

8.53pm: cascade premium light at the morison hotel in wollongabba with jonathan
9.32pm: hot english mustard at the morison hotel

9.42pm: eye fillet with mushroom sauce, caesar salad, chips and garlic bread at the morison hotel
9.59pm: some of jonathan’s xxxx bitter at the morison hotel

10.25pm: cinzano with soda water and lime (made by dominic) at james and phoebe’s place in highgate hill with jonathan, dominic, james, jonathan, danielle et al
10.57pm: orange, lemon and lime mineral water at james and phoebe’s place

1.54am: green beans at home
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