8.59am: carman's original recipe fruit free muesli with soy milk at work with khanh

12.24pm: lady grey tea at joseph alexanders in milton with rae, ardelle, annabelle, priya, helene, kris, donna, rebecca, dipti, salma and belinda
12.33pm: finger sandwiches (tuna, ham and chicken), fruit and plain scones with jam and cream, lemon meringue tart, fruit tart and friand at joseph alexanders

4.19pm: t2 french earl grey tea and valter's mum's italian wafers in the hub at work with valter, priya and michael

6.33pm: left-over beef tataki with ponzu sauce at home
7.04pm: fried rice at home

7.22pm: honey-soy chicken wings at home
7.50pm: lime juice cordial and water at home

10.09pm: orange juice at home
hey the high tea looks great.. good mix of sweet and savoury... did you enjoy it??
i think it could have included more savoury. we only had 3 finger sandwiches each. was still very enjoyable though. i love high tea!
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