8.55am: cinnamon & sugar on toast and stockholm blend black tea at work

10.02am: milk biscuit from ardelle at work

12.15pm: green tea cake from ardelle at work

12.37pm: left over vegetarian tofu roll, chickpea & lentils salad from fleximeals, orange & mango juice at the hub with priya and ardelle

1.35pm: meji cheese biscuits at work

4.17pm: mandarin from fruit box at work

4.28pm: another green tea cake from ardelle at work

7.50pm: fried rice, dofu gung (chicken and tofu soup), two types of japanese pickles, cherry tomatoes and omni blue at home with jonathan

8.16pm: omni blue at home

8.23pm: orange juice at home
did you like the milk wafer biscuit? i found it too strong...
I liked the milk wafer biscuit. It was much better than the peanut wafer biscuit I ate the next day. But the green tea cake is still the best of those sweet asian snacks.
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