10.15am: yoghurt and orange juice at home

12.19pm: pork & peanut dumpling, shark fin dumpling and chrysanthemum tea at king of kings with jonathan

12.36pm: prawn balls and tripe at king of kings

12.43pm: pi dan and pork congee and bbq pork steamed buns at king of kings

12.54pm: dan tart and vegetarian tofu rolls at king of kings

1.43pm: pokari sweat from burlington in the car in the valley with jonathan

2.55pm: bubble gum at home

4.49pm: omni blue at home with jonathan

4.56pm: roast pork from burlington at home with jonathan

5.25pm: ralph fowler viognier at home with jonathan

5.33pm: three types of japanese pickles at home

5.36pm: steamboat (dumplings and wombok) at home with jonathan, lina and joshua

5.39pm: steamboat (cuttlefish balls, tofu puffs, shitake mushrooms, chicken) at home

5.41pm: steamboat (tofu, beef balls, noodles) at home

5.42: rice at home

7.22pm: steamboat at home

8.05pm: T2 relax tea at home with jonathan

8.38pm: anzac biscuits at home
Did Jonathan enjoy the steamboat?
BTW, this blog really shows how bizarre you can be!
the steamboat was great! we're planning to have you guys over for it when the weather gets a bit cooler. we'll probably do sukiyaki one side and chicken stock on the other. this time we had a chilli stock on one side. but it was too hot and not the best taste.
Nik said that this blog is the most bizarre thing I've ever done. But she can talk - she emailed me a whole big list of pink kitchen utensils that she's planning to buy.
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