7.52am: orange juice at home

8.54am: toast with cinamon & sugar, yoghurt and french earl grey tea at work

11.32am: anzac biscuits at work

2.10pm: left over japanese chicken curry and deep spring orange & passionfruit drink at work

3.30pm: vietnamese style ice white coffee with valter at work

5.56pm: orange juice at home

6.18pm: tiramisu and crown cake from ardelle at home

8.32pm: pakora and meat samosa (and pure blonde not photographed) at sitar with anna, jenny, aileen & her boyfriend, marcella & matt and others

9.01pm: butter chicken, palak paneer, prawn malai, beef curry, rice, naan at sitar

10pm-ish: anna's birthday cheesecake from cheesecake shop at sitar that I forgot to photograph

11.21pm: omni blue at home

12.03am: nestle dark chocolate at home
haha... first day and you forgot to photograph already!!!
terrible, isn't it! i'm getting much better now though!
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